Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Imminent Demise of Waldo

Today went to get the a/c fixed on my car (aka Waldo).  Since Hubby's car (aka Kermit) is still without a/c we figured one of the two should be tolerable.  We dropped it off.  They charged it up.  We paid our $80 bill and drove off into the sunset (ok, so it was lunchtime, whatever).  But the car only got about two blocks away when it started to seize and make a funny noise.  Great.  We made a u-turn straight back to the garage.  They said it was the compressor - that the a/c charge actually set it off.  This is the same car that had to have a new compressor three times last summer.  Here we were faced with having to get a new compressor yet again - the underlying problem of what was killing the compressors still unresolved.  So we opted out of the new compressor and set out this afternoon to find a new or new-to-us-at-least car.  Three hours, 44 oz. of Diet Pepsi and a pretty severe sunburn later, I still have the car that has seizures and a fully-charged non-working a/c.  We shook hands and took business cards and smiled while the salesmen demonstarted the highlights of the vehicle but we were still so in shock that we were in this predicament in the first place, we didn't want to rush into anything.  The thing I found amazing is how they seemed to gravitate to my husband.  Yeah, their focus turned to me when they talked about color and interior upholstery, but when it came to all of the important stuff, it was Hubby in the spotlight.  Although this tendency upsets me, we use it to our advantage.  I let them talk to Hubby but when we find what we want they have to deal with me.  I am the negotiator.  I am the tough chick.  I am the one who does the wheeling and dealing and that seems to throw them off of their game.  So now, I am on-line shopping for better deals using the knowledge of trade-ins and rebates and financing that I learned at today's dealership to try to get a better deal at tomorrow's dealership.  Meanwhile, Hubby and the kid play Wacky Racers on the Wii.  Wacky racers.  At least those cars work.  They are about the only ones around here that do.

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