Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Score Another Point for Insanity

Its Olympic time - that time once every two or four years (depending on if you watch both the summer and the winter games) when everyone bonds as Americans over living vicariously through people who are much more dedicated, talented and fit then most of us will ever be.  When I watch the Olympics, I experience something that I'm pretty sure most of you, if not all of you, do not experience.  I wait for someone to possibly mention my name.  I don't know why.  I don't know any of the athletes remotely let alone personally.  They have no reason to mention my name.  But when they are thanking people that have had an impact on their lives, I wonder if somehow, without realizing it, it may have been me.  Silly I know but I do the same thing with the Oscars and the Tonys.  Its a little different there though.  See when they say "and the winner is . . . " I have a flash that "hey, it could be me".  I'm not nominated or even an actress but yet there is a part of me that thinks - eh, stranger things.  Then, when I don't win, I wonder if the person who did win will thank me.  Not even thank me as much as mention me.  Ludicris, I know, but that's the way my brain works.  Its not self-centered as you might think.  It is actually, I believe, my OCD.  See when you have OCD you are often convinced that something has happened or could have happened even though you know it hasn't and didn't.  Like take driving for instance.  Sometimes I think I may have run over something.  Then instantly my brain thinks it may have been an animal and now it is hurt and needs my help.  So I loop the block to check.  No animal in the road.  Then I am convinced that it may have crawled off injured and be alongside of the road.  So I loop the block again.  This can continue on for an unlimited number of times.  I draw the line at getting out of my car to search for the animal but it takes a lot of effort to draw that line.   I am very proud of that line.  It lets me know that there is a chance that I have control and may some day with lots of therapy and meds be a semi-normal person.  But the point here is, I didn't hit anything but I think that it may have happened and I may have missed it.  Just like I think I may have had some encounter with an athlete or actor in the grocery store or somewhere just as mundane and that that moment has somehow stuck with this person enough that they can't forget to mention me with all of their coaches, families and God.  I actually do know some people who are actors and maybe someday one of them will win an award and I will have an actual shot at being mentioned but the odds are against it.  Unless they happed to be reading this in which case you now know what it would mean to me and you should add me to your list of people to thank or I will be pissed.  Anyway, the Olympics are fun to watch even if nobody mentions me.  Go USA!

1 comment:

  1. If I win something cool, I will mention your name. :)
