Monday, December 6, 2010

Number Two! Where are You?

Ok.  Let's not kid each other here.  I am not an everyday blogger no matter how hard I try.  Especially on weekends.  So I will no longer make promises about blogging every day.  I will simply say that each post I make will be from the heart.  And I will try not to have gaps that are too big.  Too big being subjective I guess.  I hope you will still read and follow along as I navigate my way through this thing called life.

Well.  Today kicked off the official "Search for Daughter #2".  Over the weekend, we as a family decided on seven girls to inquire about to our case worker.  It was a hard decision process but we actually were all happy with the girls we settled upon.  I turned the names in to her today and I guess now we wait and see.  I hate the waiting.  I also registered us on an adoption website.  Have to wait for that to be verified too.  It was a lot more intense than I thought it would be.  We had to write a family narrative about ourselves.  That was hard.  I'm hoping what I wrote will be good enough to intrigue the case workers on the other end.  I also added girl #8 at the last minute.  She was on a different adoption site and I was able to make an inquiry about her right away.  Quickly, I got a response that she already had a potential family identified and was visiting with them.  If she already has a family identified - take her off the site.  This process is hard enough.  The amount of children to sort through so vast that having children who are spoken for in the mix just complicated things even more.  I suddenly got this image of us parents-to-be swarming like sharks to bait as each child is dangled in front of us.  This is a whole turn to the process I guess I wasn't prepared for.  I mean I knew we would encounter children that we weren't a match for and that.  I didn't expect us to have our choice of any child we wanted, but I also forgot about the losing out factor.  I guess I better get used to it.  That feeling of being rejected.  I hate encountering that and honestly don't have much experience with it.  I better toughen up and get some thick skin because it looks like this will be a long, bumpy road.

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