Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm Not Maid for Cleaning

Why is it when you have nothing that HAS to be done, you are bored and can't think of anything to do but when you have something that you NEED to do, you can think of a million distractions you would rather be doing?  Right now, I have approximately 24 hours to start and complete my taxes, clean my entire house, and finish my Easter shopping.  This is just not gonna happen.  The shopping I could do.  Shopping is never a problem.  Its the taxes and the cleaning that are going to be the problem.  Actually, I could probably pull off the shopping and the taxes, but not the cleaning.  Its really a lost cause.  I start off by making a list of what all needs cleaned.  Then I feel overwhelmed and like I wanna nap.  If I start cleaning someplace, one of two things happens, either I get distracted by someplace else and move to there before I am finished or it ends up looking worse than it did at first.  Its hopeless.  I'm a lost cause.  Frontrunner is coming to visit tomorrow and her worker is coming to "see our house".  So we're not talking about a little gathering in the living room where I can happily shove everything into our bedroom.  No.  We're talking on the same level as home study.  Peeking in all rooms and closets.  Looking with an evaluating eye at all of our mess.  I've already told Frontrunner that we live messy and she's cool with that.  I just don't want her worker to bring her here to Suburbia take one look at our mess and cart her back to Faraway.  That would suck.  So, I have to try.   I have to at least make the effort.  Right after I finish blogging . . . and call Hubby . . . and finish my ice coffee . . . and . . . I need a maid.

1 comment:

  1. I would TOTALLY come and help clean.. if I was in Suburbia.. but I am in a land not quite as far as faraway... :(
