Thursday, June 2, 2011

Me, Myself, and I

I have come to a major revelation recently.  I need to be selfish.  I am always so worried about others and the effect the things I do and say will have on others that I have honestly lost sight of myself.  I am considering everyone else's feeling and denying my own.  I know that I have touched on this in previous posts but it is something that I myself need to be reminded of again and again.  I need to take a step back and look at situations from an outsider point of view.  What is best for me?  How can I make things better for myself?  Are there ways for me to make things easier on myself?  What advice would I give myself if I wasn't the one in this situation?  I need to think of my sanity.  I need to think of myself first.  Then begin looking outside of me in waves of importance.  Family comes next.  Then everyone else.  The only way I can be a healthy, happy human being is to make sure that I am a healthy, happy human being.  No one else is going to do that for me.  If I don't put myself first, how are I supposed to be able to give the best of myself to others.  It may mean making some unpopular choices.  It may mean pissing some people off.  It may mean feeling like a failure for the time being but in the long run, its the only choice I can make.  The choice that is best for me.  Maybe its time to pick myself up and dust myself off and start over again.  Who knows who I will be if I be more true to me?

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