Today I had a therapy session. Yes, I go to therapy. You got a problem with that. Didn't think so. Anyway, aside from the fact that I'm a little defensive about it, my session today was . . . well . . . confusing. I took Hubby with me because I felt that I needed the support and since we were going to discuss the same topics we did last time and last time he came, I just figured that his coming was a given. Nope. There was an early morning crisis as I debated whether or not he should come. The problem wasn't whether or not he should come, the problem was he didn't really want to come. He had been encouraging me all week to go by myself. I didn't want him to come, I wanted him to want to come. He gave in and came. We chatted and discussed many issues I will not specify here. The hour went by too quickly and before I knew it my therapist had picked up her pen (the sign we as her clients are taught means time to pay - its all rather Pavlovian). But we were just in the middle of something. We were just getting to the good part. What do you mean its time to pay and be on my way. I quickly voiced my desire to come back as soon as possible hoping on some unrealistic level that she would just let us stay a few more hours. But it is Friday, so I have to wait until Monday to go back. By then I will have lost my place. My thoughts will be subdued and it'll basically be like starting over. When we left the office and Hubby stated that he didn't really learn anything new (what my ears hear: that was a waste of time and I didn't need to come). But he did speak in there. So there was a purpose to him coming. I thought we did well. I thought we made progress. I thought we both learned new things about how to cope and deal and strive to be the ever elusive "normal". Instead, I have an appointment on Monday and I'm pretty sure that justifies what I'm pretty sure he is thinking - the problem is me. I think its better to overreact instead of being oblivious. He thinks the other way around. We were told to meet in the middle but due to our circumstances in our particular situation it is better to ____________. I fill in the blank with overreact. He says she said no such thing. I wrote it down so I can check with her and find out what exactly she said on Monday. Of course he won't be there so he might not believe me when I tell him the answer. The right answer. My answer. I can't believe we argued about this on the way home from the therapist. Great. Nothing like a little therapy to come between us.
To Be Continued on Monday . . . After My Session . . .
This is why I'm glad I don't go into Tristan's sessions. One less thing to have on our "argue list." lol
ReplyDeleteIt's tough at times, I know, but we get through them & realize the tough one makes the good times that much better!