Thursday, May 26, 2011

Phorced Philosophical Phindings

I am back!!!  Where have I been?  Well, its a long story.  See, first I tore the muscles between my ribs which is just as painful as breaking your ribs without the convenience of being able to say "yeah, I broke my ribs."  Then on top of that, and while on antibiotics, I contracted a nasty little virus that includes coughing up a lung approximately every five minutes.  Apparently I was contagious because then our computer caught a nasty little virus of its own.  So we have been without a computer.  Talk about realizing how much you rely on technology.  I've felt like all of a sudden I was thrust back to the time of "Little House on the Prarie".  I sat in our one room shanty with the oil lantern and all I had to access the internet was my nook.  Poor me.  But boy has it been a tough week or so.  The nook is great don't get me wrong but its screen is small and with my giant fingers, I am apt to take six or seven tries before I finally get the letter, button, or destination that I want.  But that little nook has been a lifesaver.  I was able to access facebook even though I couldn't chat and I was able to check my email even if it was only through webmail.  (This is an unpaid advertisement for the Barnes & Noble nook color.)  I was able to go almost anywhere on the web and do almost anything with one exception - I couldn't blog - which was pure hell what with the world ending this past Saturday and all.  Its really amazing to me but apparently heaven looks just like earth and all of my friends and family are here too.  There's a philosophical question for you.  How do you know if you're dead?  You know like in the "Sixth Sense".  What if the next life looks just like a continuation of this one?  An identical alternate universe.  Its one of those questions like is the color that I see as green really green when seen through your eyes or are you seeing my version of blue and are just conditioned to know that as green?  Wow, see what techno-deprivation will do to you.  It'll make you think and who needs that?

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