Friday, February 25, 2011

The Blame Game

According to Blogger, this is my 100th posting on my blog.  As yoda would say, "A momentous occasion this is".  And yet, I don't quite feel like there is anything momentous about this particular posting.  Its just the same as all the others.  I don't really have anything profound to say.  I'd rather just bitch about my daughter's extra-curricular activity.  It is a school affiliated activity and frankly, the program sucks.  They raised the price this year.  Last year it was $35.  This year it was $200.  Nice huh?  Now you'd think for that extra $165 we'd get more.  Wrong.  They have competed in half of their competitions and they still don't have their uniforms.  Wow.  So glad we paid for those.  They change the routine they perform on a weekly basis.  Nice, that won't confuse the girls.  And the best of all, the coaches tell the girls at every practice and performance that they suck.  Ok, they don't say suck, but they do tell them how horrible each practice and each performance is and that it is all their fault.  That's it.  Don't take any of the blame.  You're just the ones in charge of the program.  You're just the ones who thought up the whole routine.  You're just the ones who decided they should move up a division even though they weren't winning their lower division competitions last year.  This new higher division has requirements that our group doesn't even meet.  There are certain pieces of equipment that should be used that our girls have never laid their hands on but no, that's not the problem.  The problem is the girls.  Uh huh, whatever.  The program was fun last year.  Our daughter enjoyed it last year.  This year none of the girls want to be there at all.  They dread going to practice because they're just going to be told how bad they are at everything.  Yeah!  Way to motivate them coaches!  Send them to the school of hard knocks!  Use reverse psychology on them!  Yeah!  That'll work.  Nice to know we shelled out so much to have some "coach" take shots at our daughter's self-esteem.  I'm trying really hard to keep my big fat mouth shut on this one but my tongue is nearly bleeding from being bitten.  You don't mess with this mama lion's cub.  I feel a Polish hex coming on.  Look out!


  1. Yeow! And what was their reason for raising the price that much?? Sounds like all it did was pay for ego. Sorry to hear she isn't enjoying it as much this year.

  2. I'm not exactly sure what Polish Hex is, but it doesn't sound pleasant.

    Seriously?? $165 hike in a year? Yeah, I'd be asking questions. Especially if I was seeing what you are. That's just wrong. And the coach probably needs an attitude check. How did this person get into this position, anyway?

    I say go get 'em, mama lion. Rawr.
