Thursday, November 11, 2010

You've Got Mail

Some of you may think its geeky, dorky, childish or all of the above but I have penpals.  People I have met through one means or another (but not in person) whom I keep in contact with through good old-fashioned snail mail.  I enjoy writing letters.  There is just something liberating about sitting down, taking a pen and some pretty paper and writing.  Telling someone somewhere out there in the world what is going on with you and your family and your adventures and all of it.  It's therapeutic.  The time it takes to actually write a letter lets you figure out a lot in your own head while your writing.  I've solved problems, came up with ideas, all while writing letters.  It keeps me busy.  And there is nothing better than going to your mailbox to find something other than bills and junk mail.  It makes you smile.  It brightens your day.  To hold a piece of paper and think that a week ago this was being written for you somewhere in South Korea or Norway or Brazil.  Hearing the different customs and lifestyles.  Seeing the different art on the stamps.  Even exchanging little gifts.  Its an educational experience beyond words.  I actually know some of these friends better than I know my friends here in Suburbia.  Because they are at a distance and we don't really share many mutual friends, I feel I can tell them things that I wouldn't tell anyone else.  Some of them know my secrets and I know theirs.  There's just something more personal about snail mail than e-mail or telephone calls.  I don't know why but I like it.  For the price of a stamp, you get a wonderful friendship.  Here's to all of my penpals!  You make the world a better place!  Thanks for being friends with geeky, dorky, childish me :)

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I missed this posting. Every word you wrote struck a chord. Penpalling is the rainbow of my life. :)
