Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Poor Me - A Post of Self-Pity and Financial Frustration

I've calmed down a bit from yesterday and have progressed to sulking.  It seems as though they have caught the people who were responsible for the copper thefts which is good.  That doesn't give us our pipes back though.  Insurance will cover some of it.  They're not sure just how much yet.  The window they think will be our responsibility because it is considered vandalism and vandalism on a house that is vacant for more than 30 days is not covered.  Bogus in my opinion.  Its not like they were just out to break a window.  It was part of the theft.  But whatever.  I'll be happy with whatever we get.  I let mom and grandma know that we won't be coming to Hometown for Thanksgiving now.  Mom took it better than expected.  Grandma was really disappointed.  Oh well.  Have to get the money from somewhere and cutting out a three night hotel stay and the cost of gas, food and pet boarding will help.  It will be a tough day but we'll get through it.  We also won't be taking our weekend vacation in December.  Right now the Christmas trip to Hometown is on hold.  We'll see how much this will cost us.  To be honest we didn't really have the money to go on those trips anyway.  I've lost track of my Five Weeks to Financial Betterification.  Can't really budget now that we have this huge expense to pay out.  Oh well.  Can you tell I'm sulking?  Got to find a way to get back to my snarky old self.  I promise a much more interesting and cheerful post tomorrow.

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