10. My best girl friend is tops. She is my Yoda.
9. You can make your own buffalo chicken salad at LaRosa's restaurant.
8. Factory Card Outlet is the slowest store at putting up their Christmas items.
7. My father-in-law is tops. I owe him some boneless buffalo wings.
6. Apparently, winter style is layering camis until you are warm enough.
5. It is possible to feel your heart breaking.
4. My hubby is tops. He's better than pizza with extra cheese.
3. Don't do anything with anybody. Do it by yourself. Rely only on you.
2. There is a point were even I wish I hadn't worn sandals.
1. Always Always Always start every phone conversation with "Am I on speaker?"
if you learn from something then it isn't all bad! here's to a better week ahead for you!