Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cleaning Out Uncle Sam's Closet

I am confused.  I just saw a video from the "It Gets Better Project" with a gay cop and a gay marine letting the gay youth of today know that it does indeed get better.  But it is about to get much worse for the marine.  When I told my husband about the video, he commented that "He's not a marine anymore."

Me:  Why not? 
Hubby:  Because of "Don't ask, don't tell."
Me:  Why do they have that? 
Hubby:  Because people were getting thrown out of the military for being gay.
Me:  Why would they throw out someone just because they're gay?
Hubby:  I don't know.
Me:  So you're telling me that they are going to keep some poor soldier in Afganistan or God knows where longer because they're going to be short on prsonnel because they're getting rid of people because they are gay?
Hubby:  Yup.  Most likely.

I don't understand.  How does being gay affect your devotion to your country and your ability to support and defend it?  Now, this is the government we're talking about and I know that that alone means its not going to make sense, but to turn away help in a time of need just because of someone's sexual preference baffles me.  Personally I don't want to see sloppy PDA's from anyone regardless of the gender of the participants.  As long as you maintain a level of decorum, who gives a rat's ass what you do in your time off.  Does hiding who you really are make you more worthy to be a marine?  You'd think they would want a more psychologically sound person who isn't pretending to be someone they are not.  I didn't know when you went to boot camp you got issued boots, a uniform and a closet.  I can understand the US marines not wanting someone to represent them who is flamboyantly marching in a gay pride parade while wearing a rainbow thong, but that's not the goal of all gay people.  Deal with the actions of a person when they happen.  Do not assume future actions based on any stereotype.  A straight guy can do just as many things that the marines would find equally or possibly more embarrassing and offensive.  Yet they wait until it happens to deal with it.  And what of the gay cop?  Will he be fired because he's gay?  Most likely not.  Why?  Because as I understand the rights of Americans, its ILLEGAL!  So why is the military allowed to do it?  Seems to me that there is a double standard here.  Maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe he can be fired.  Maybe discrimination of gay people is legal.  Maybe the military should hire me to sort through their applicants.  I have pretty good gaydar you know :)  "Don't ask, don't tell" should be banished.  Judge the actions, not the person.  "Don't ask, don't tell" should be replaced by "DON'T CARE!"

1 comment:

  1. As I understand it, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was initially supposed to PROTECT homosexuals who were in the military by not having to disclose that information. The government was prohibited from asking anyone about their sexuality and the military member was prohibited from discussing it. I understood that it was supposed to prevent people from being discriminated against. I don't think it should really be an issue.

    I know some heterosexual couples who have some really bizarre sexual practices, while the relations between my gay and lesbian couple friends are quite often very tame. So, what they're saying here is that a person can do the weirdest, most disgusting acts, as long as they are with someone of the opposite gender. And that person can serve my country, but I can't if I choose to acknowledge my intimate relationship with another woman. I'm pretty sure taboo is taboo.

    They should just not allow us in the GLBT community to become recruiters. Hmmm... Maybe they should. I only need three more and I get a free toaster oven.
