Sunday, October 24, 2010

Coffee and Lattes and Booze - Oh My!

Starbucks has good coffee - overpriced but good nonetheless.  I like Starbucks.  I get sucked in on occasion usually by the scents wafting throughout the Barnes and Noble bookstore.  I just can't get with the program on their new concept though - booze at Starbucks.  Apparently, some marketing reject came up with the ridiculous idea of selling beer and wine at Starbucks and they are actually trying it.  They are testing the concept in at least one of their Seattle stores.  They claim their business is too slow in the evening.  Um, ok, then only stay open in the day.  What's so hard about that?  You are a coffee house.  Don't get greedy after 4 p.m. and ruin the place for those of us who like it the way it is.  I don't know about you but alcohol is the reason I don't go to bars and if Starbucks takes this nationwide, it will also be the reason that I don't go to Starbucks too.  The last time we went to a Starbucks, the service was awful.  We waited in line for five or ten minutes while the employee chatted with the customer in front of us.  Then, in front of an ever-growing line of people, she comped him his drinks.  And this gem was their "Barrista of the Month".  I'd hate to see the people who didn't meet that standard.  We left without any coffee and went to their website to complain when we got home.  About three weeks later, we got a letter in the mail with coupons for two free cups of coffee.  Two cups.  That's it.  It was barely worth the time we took to give them the feedback.  But hey, this is Starbucks so the retail value of those coupons is probably around $36.95.

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