Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Tornados are scary.  I don't care what anyone else thinks, they are scary.  I think its one of those things like hearing a bone break or being in a car wreck, you don't understand just how terrible it is until you've been through it.  Having lived in Tornado Alley, I have seen my fair share of tornados.  So every time there is the threat of tornadic storms, I batten down the hatches and head to the basement.  Which is exactly what I did today.  The line of storms with tornado warnings was racing eastward so I took all three birds and some necessary items and camped out in the basement.  The TV coverage was great.  Since there were tornado warnings, they stayed on the air constantly for about three hours.  I appreciate this and their ability to predict possible tornados but I have to say that the weather warning system is so good that its going to end up hurting itself.  They issue warnings for everything.  They even issue warnings for doppler indicated tornados.  Now, I for one will always abide by the warnings.  Its the public in general that I fear for.  They issue the warnings so often and then nothing happens that I fear it will cause a "cry wolf" effect.  People will just get immune to the warnings and not think anything of them.  I already know people like this.  They scare me.  Granted from the time I was little if the wind picked up, I was dragging the patio furniture into the house.  But I feel its better to be safe than sorry.  The fear is in my blood.  Hmmmm . . . Maybe I was Judy Garland in a previous life?

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