Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is - Literally

What is it with me and people?  I have got to wash the writing off my forehead that says "If you are strange and most likely obnoxious, come, sit by me, bring your friends."  Yesterday's adventure involved a Panera, soup, me and a webcam.  <insert eyeroll here>  But that's not really what I want to focus on today.  Today I want to share our Five Weeks to Financial Betterification plan.  Yesterday was Day 2 of the plan.  FAIL!  See, this plan requires us to 1) be more financially aware, 2) create a budget, 3) track our expenses and 4) cut back on our spending.  So far, the only thing I have done is become slightly more financially aware.  I am aware that money is flying out the window.  And what do I have to show for it . . . a big, fat butt.  We are literally eating away at our savings.  My family has gotten into the habit of eating out for dinner 6 out of 7 if not 7 out of 7 days a week.  Actually make that about 11 or 12 out of 7 days a week because sometimes we eat out twice in one day!  I don't enjoy the eating out because the entire time I am thinking of depleting our savings.  I even imagine myself actually eating the bills instead of the food on my plate.  The problem here is I don't really like to cook.  I have this aversion to raw meat that rivals my aversion to puke.  I can't do it.  I just can't do it.  So that leaves Doug to come home from work and roll up his sleeves.  Now, I'm not one for traditional gender roles but there is a tiny bit of Donna Reed inside me that doesn't condone this.  He worked hard all day.  He shouldn't have to cook dinner too.  So we eat out.  The deal I have made with myself is that if the Five Week plan doesn't pan out in five weeks, I will start looking for a second job in week six - something I do not want to do.  Maybe I should look at it that way.  Cook versus work.  Raw meat versus dealing with people.  And I don't deal well with people.  Just ask those at the table next to me at Panera :)

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